Buccini Transport

products like sand, cement, gravel or recycling products like plastics, glass, rubber) Their second facility is a container handling facility with a difference. This customs-bonded facility in the south- ern area of Brisbane facilitates clients who import and export goods over- seas. These clients often require ser- vices around AQIS, customs checking, fumigation, Bonded Storage and vari- ous other services regarding goods by air, sea or road , in accordance with regulations that are required for goods that come into Australia from outside the country and vice ver- sa. These services in- clude FAK (Freight All Kinds) for both import and export, this is very similar to splitting a taxi fare the company com- bines packages from various senders going to one location/port into a single shipping unit and then send container to receiving facilities for collection or distribution to the receivers. They deal with every manner of freight there is, within the boundaries of the law. No matter if it is sewing machine needle from Japan, a container of cotton to Canada or 500t mine site dump truck to Mount Isa this combined bonded warehouse, 3PL logistics hub, distri- bution center and container handling facility has the experience to make it happen. Maintaining close relationships with each client for optimal outcomes The company is also committed to compliance and Chain of Responsibil- ity. Ensuring loads being transported meet and do not exceed the require- ments for loading limits, load distribu- tion, while protecting client’s interest by being able to provide Verified Gross Mass Weighing, Chain of Responsibil- ity auditable movements. Whilst en- suring that ever y thing c o m p l i e s with Austral- ian import/ export reg- ulations as they do not wish to disrupt the local flora and fau- na with outside contaminators, for in- stance. Inspections and weighing are key elements of this system to ensure only legitimately declared goods are traveling and within legal limits. That includes both restricted items like ex- plosives or other types of contraband as well as environmental hazards. Of course, Buccini Transport also works very closely with their clients to ensure they achieve the best result. First and foremost, they always assign