Calrossy Anglican School

the core of what stands out the most in the assertions of Calrossy’s new Principal and its Head of Boarding. Whilst the school’s academics are by far the best in its part of the state, for both boarding and day students, there is something more it implants in them. “We want them to be citizens of the world, compassionate, caring,” says Mr Smith. Mrs Coe avows one of the school’s focuses being to look at the unique need of each child: “Be it from getting them on programs for activities they love, to understanding and accommodating their individual learning needs. We acknowledge all individuals as just that, individuals.” With performance related stress and pressures facing all students, the school is very careful of measuring a child’s worth, solely by how well they do at school. Instead, as well as their raising academics, it helps its kids to define their special passions, strengthen their interpersonal connections and grow their independence. The ties that bind The school’s approach is four fold in terms of interlocking a strong