Chemsol Australia

formulas, some wholesalers decant the product into their own labelled con- tainers (or Chemsol itself does this for them). “We sell in bulk, we own the for- mulation, so only we can make chang- es,” confirms Nathan. “Moving forward in today’s manufac- turing industry, I think diversification is the key,” Nathan opines. “Because if you don’t mix it up, all industries have their ups and downs, so anything could happen. You can see that through the mining sector, many companies who were solely manufacturing for that sec- tor, have been hit hard, if they’re still in business.” Sustainable Solutions Chemsol always encourages the green option when formulating prod- ucts for clients, although some go the way of the cheapest option, which is often not the green one. Nevertheless, there’s always been a push towards the biodegradable products, which in itself, is a hundred more steps in the NATHAN HAWKESFORD M anaging D irector of C hemsol A ustralia P ty L td I grew up in rural Western Australia where I spent my formative years on my par- ents farming property in Don- gara WA. I completed second- ary school as a border at Hale School in Perth where I fin- ished in 1989. For my working career I start- ed in hospitality management where I managed to travel and work all over the world. In 2004 I came back to Aus- tralia and in 2005 purchased the Chemsol business in part- nership with my father. Since taking over in 2005 we have quadrupled the turnover and developed our own brand Pow- erUp Auto & Industrial, which we currently supply to over 500 businesses in Western Australia plus many other busi- nesses throughout Australia . With the help of the Cur- tain Growth program I have managed to gain a solid un- derstanding of all facets of business including staf f man- agement, marketing, logistics and business financial analy- sis.