City of Burnside
they arise in a strategic, regional and holistic manner. Council audits all if its main sporting and recreational infrastructure includ- ing sports fields lighting, playing sur- faces and recreational playgrounds fa- cilities in order to check which of them were not up to code or not adequate for their purposes. Long term improve- ment and upgrade plans have been developed to accommodate the future management and provision of Coun- cil’s recreational assets. Ensuring a solid future for infrastructure and growth The urban planning team has a long and successful history of construction and engineering in the City of Burn- side, owing to strong strategic plans. “The next step in infrastructure and growth is really very important,” says Barry. “Especially with our build prop- erties, much like other Councils, we have a number of properties which are significantly ageing. We are getting to the point in time where those build- ings will have to either be replaced or significantly enhanced to ensure that they are safe and suitable for their pur- pose”, says Barry. The purpose of an asset manage- ment plan is to help an organisation manage their infrastructure and other assets to an agreed standard of ser- vice. The City of Burnside currently has four Asset Management Plans cov- ering the following categories: Trans- port assets, Stormwater assets, Open Space assets, and Building assets. The objective of infrastructure asset management is to ensure that assets provide their required levels of servic- es in the most cost-effective manner to cater for both present and future customers. The building Asset Management plans focus on the management of the City of Burnside’s building assets, which includes community, utility, amenity, sport, heritage, special and business buildings. This plan specifies the requirements for effective man- agement of this asset group and the corresponding financial implications. This plan is reviewed annually, with a formal update completed every 4 years. Effective asset management of the City of Burnside’s building assets will contribute towards achievement of the following strategic objectives: • Fit for purpose and cost-effective infrastructure that meets commu- nity needs. • A financially sound Council that is accountable, responsible and sus- tainable. • Conservation and enhancement of the historic character of the City. The contribution towards achieve- ment of theses strategic goals and
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