City of Burnside
says Barry. “Turning it into a wave pool to attract only casual attendees, for instance, was out of the question. In- stead, it had to be viable for swimming teams too.” The Centre underwent a major refur- bishment, with all new plant and pool infrastructure installed and the main pool remodelled to incorporate a wet deck edge. An extra lane was added to the configuration to allow for compe- tition swimming (taking it to 8 lanes), and an access ramp was built to al- low for equitable entry for those with a disability or with poor mobility. .A new playground with new equipment was also added. All three pools were retiled, and there were significant up- grades to the main buildings, kiosk, café, and other areas. Overall, the project cost approximately $5 million. “Even though the pool is usually open for 6-7 months, the team decided to close it early and open it late so that they would have time to work on the upgrade during a period of 9 months,” says Barry. Improving sports facilities throughout Burnside Sports are vital to the community of the City of Burnside and the Council is
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