Centre for Digestive Diseases

Business View Oceania als and bring new treatments to the market. Prof Borody is deeply involved in these processes as he markets the centre’s products. He also writes and reviews academic papers, visits con- ferences of the learned Societies and of the Pharmaceutical industry, and makes sure that the products can be made available to the larger communi- ty worldwide. Knowledgeable team, fantastic results As one might expect from such a fa- cility, the CDD employs people within a wide range of professions. In 1984, the centre had one doctor and 2 nurs- es. Today, it employs 6 full-time doc- tors, 50 nurses, an independent re- search team which currently supports 12 internal projects, accountants, people who deal exclusively with pro- tecting the CDD’s intellectual proper- ty, and more. According to Prof Borody, the clinic’s nursing staff is their big- gest strength. Many of them are uni- versity-educated nurse consultants who are not only involved in the var- ious treatments applied at the clinic but also independently look after pa- tients. The clinic carries out many Phase 1 and 2 trials of new drugs and meth- ods which then attracts the interest of pharmaceutical companies. Compa- nies may invest upwards of $50 mil- lion for Phase 3 tests which are re- quired to gain approval from official regulating bodies such as the Australi- an TGA, the US FDA, and the European EMA. Prof Borody has been involved in such processes for years so his expe- rience and vast body of knowledge is a tremendous help while their continued success has served the clinic very well in the industry.