Business View Oceania and bring everything up to modern standards. Though it’s a not-for-profit organization, Glenwood still has to ad- here to the same rules, regulations, and codes of practice that other simi- lar facilities operate under. The organ- isation undergoes monthly and annual inspections and preparing for certifica- tion can be quite challenging. After all, they need to make sure that everything is right for the residents and that the best services are always provided. A small but relevant example is the in- stallation of heat pumps in every room so that every resident can adjust the temperature to their own comfort lev- els. Furthermore, since a considerable portion of the funding comes from government bodies, Glenwood always needs to be able to prove that the right services are being provided. The cri- teria for retirement homes and villag- es are quite strict and Glenwood has to follow everything to the letter. Care plans have to be developed in a certain time frame, staff have to be trained at a certain level, and all systems must follow along the same path with noth- ing falling behind. “At this stage and for probably the next two years the Board is focused on the further development of hospi- tal-level care and the dementia unit. Delivering care at that stage will mean employing more staff, having regis- tered nurses on-site 24/7 and invest- ing more into training for the staff so that they can provide the care that’s A Speech-Language Therapist by profession, Veronica moved into management approximately eight years ago. She has had a variety of positions working both as a private Speech-Language Therapist and also within the CDHB, having worked in Older Person’s Health before moving to work in Ashburton Hospital – initially as a Speech-Language Therapist and then as Head of Therapy Services, overseeing the operations of an Allied Health team. Veronica has an interest in writing and in proof- reading, hobbies that may go on the back-burner for a period of time. The change of environment into aged care brings its own challenges but with a heart and passion for aged care Veronica will ensure the quality of services offered at Glenwood Home will continue. Veronica Ligteringen
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