Remuera Surgical Care
Business View Oceania his colleagues, Martin Reese and Greg Taylor, Tristan operates Remuera Sur- gical Care, a hospital that works in conjunction with their private practice rooms. The facilities at RSC encom- pass a daycare surgery unit with two General anaesthesia equipped oper- ating theaters, a procedure room, and four multi-night-stay hotel-like rooms with en-suite bathrooms. They are reg- istered and fully accredited as a small hospital and thus are able to keep pa- tients in for a number of days, if re- quired. The centre offers a wide variety of both surgical and non-surgical treat- ments designed around patient safety and satisfaction. While the centre has a few surgeons, such as Tristan, Mar- tin, and Greg, who operate exclusive- ly out of RSC, the hospital operates on an “as-needed” basis. To be more precise, the facility is available to any suitably qualified specialist who wants to offer their private patients the very best in modern surgical care. Thus, patients visit non-affiliated specialists who are welcome to make use of the facilities for specific purposes. Though they may not use RSC exclusively, there are always patients who wish to get a specialized procedure done and the hospital caters to that need Overall, the small hospital operates on a fairly high turnover. Aside from the eight permanent staff, there are rotating nurses and technicians who come in on a contract basis. The hospi- Martin Reese Tristan de Chalain
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