Sep-Oct 2016 Issue | Business View Oceania

47 “Ours is a standard product only in the broad sense. Everything, especially the shearing sheds these days, are all slightly different. Everyone has a differ- ent sized shed, a different sized block. If we made a thousand sheds, very few of them would be the same. Some peo- ple want different doors, like sliding ones. That’s how the industry works”, explains Craig. Applying the personal touch Brendan Loechel, the Sales and Mar- keting Manager of Magnus Australia, explained to us that each client is treat- ed personally and individually. Though the company has an established net- work of sellers through the region and further, their core business relies on the personal touch. Brendan himself of- ten goes on-site to their client’s farms, assesses their needs, discuss their is- sues and concerns, and writes down customized orders which respond to their specific needs. This level of inter- action is very important in the industry and it has certainly worked well for the company as meeting with their clients face to face has allowed them to main- tain an intense presence, far better than they could have achieved through faceless communication. Craig also talked tous about Brendan’s meetings: “We would like to think that what sets us apart from our competi-