Food Technology Consulting for Producers with Ambition
Business View Oceania interviews Stewart Eddie, Director of ASKAFOODTECH™, for our Technology View.
Food technology has long been recognised as the foundation on which the safety, quality, efficiency, and management of our food systems are built. Efficient food technologies and practices have never been more important, and expert consultants like Stewart Eddie, Director of ASKAFOODTECH™, are just as crucial. Stewart’s background includes key roles within Australia’s food production industry, managing relationships with large industry players such as Nestle, Weis, Unilever, Food Spectrum, and the South Australian Research and Development Institute. Established in 2021, and headquartered in Toowoomba, Queensland, ASKAFOODTECH™ utilises over two decades of industry experience to provide a specialist suite of professional services to support the growth of food production businesses.
ASKAFOODTECH™ provides five primary services to Australian food producers: Product Innovation and Strategic Thinking (pipeline ideas, strategic sourcing, capability assessments), Product Development (ingredient selection, recipe development, sensory evaluation), Mentoring (working with key staff to achieve business growth), Allergen Management & Quality Systems Coaching (review of allergen management plans and quality systems, raw material assessment systems, and Food Labelling (compliance checks and technical data preparation).

Stewart Eddie, Director
Stewart created ASKAFOODTECH™ as an opportunity for ambitious food producers to grow their business, hone their product offering, and work towards a safer, higher-quality industry. Over the last twelve months, he has worked hard to tailor his services to each client. Stewart begins, “The vision for ASKAFOODTECH™ aligns with my purpose; ‘how do I help you grow?’. In a business context, the company’s vision is to inspire, educate and serve food producers with an ambition to grow and manage risk. We do this through a suite of flexible consulting services. I am particularly passionate about Allergen Management. Living with a severe food allergy and being a food technologist, I am uniquely placed to advise a business in good allergen management practices.”
But it hasn’t all been smooth sailing- being a Sole Trader, company responsibility rests fully on Stewart’s shoulders. He shares, “I have extensive experience and specialist knowledge in food technology, but I had to acknowledge very early on that I have a lot to learn about running a business. I went ahead and trained with the Australian Institute of Company Directors and the University of Southern Queensland before getting started with ASKAFOODTECH™, to better prepare myself for the shift from an employee into business ownership. One of the more difficult aspects of the transition is knowing what’s necessary to run the business effectively. The training I did helped create my start-up business plan and give some insight into what was involved. With the help of a few key people, I had the confidence to ‘take the plunge’ into business ownership. I have found networking is crucial in helping to get your business name out there. I still have lots to learn, and continuing professional development as a business owner will be crucial to securing the growth plans I have for my business going forward.”
ASKAFOODTECH™ has experienced steady growth since its conception and quickly attained award-winning status. Stewart proudly took out the Sole Trader of the Year Award at the Focus HR 2021 Business Excellence Awards, presented by the Toowoomba Chamber of Commerce. He shares, “I was so excited and humbled to be chosen from such a highly skilled pool of finalists… Winning Sole Trader of the Year is a great acknowledgment of the vision I have had for my business. I love that I get to help the current generation of food producers to grow and manage risk. I strongly believe that new product development is the engine room of growth for the businesses I service, but I recognise that not every company can sustain having a skill set like mine internally. So, I enjoy stepping in to fill that gap, making sure that our Australian food producers are minimising risk, developing great new products, and meeting their compliance requirements”.
ASKAFOODTECH™ bases operations around a set of core values that include passion, purpose, integrity, solutions, collaboration, and education. Stewart explains, “I am passionate about helping my clients grow. I understand that my customers are the real boss- that is, if I didn’t serve my clients with core values always front of mind, my business would not exist for very long. I am conscious of avoiding creating knowledge vacuums in the businesses I work with. I strive to ensure they have the knowledge they need to run their business without requiring my services time and time again. I am also aware of the responsibility I have as a good corporate citizen. I give a portion of my time and sales income to causes that are meaningful to me. I am striving to be a leading advocate of the food technologist profession and regularly donate my time to the Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology. Given my food allergy, I passionately support awareness campaigns that highlight the plight of allergic consumers. I also contribute to relevant community groups where I can. I feel blessed to be able to give back to the community.”
Stewart would like to thank those who have been integral to ASKAFOODTECH™’s success over the last twelve months. Most of all, Stewart says, he would like to thank his family and personal support network. “I am grateful for the opportunities I have had over the past year to help so many clients. I’d like to thank those around me including my family and friends, who have helped and encouraged me at every step along the way.”
Moving forward, Stewart says ASKAFOODTECH™ will continue to supplement its growth alongside that of clients. “It is important to continue refining this business over time, to ensure we remain relevant. Food industry growth is incredibly complex. On the one hand, some larger organisations are looking to manage costs as they struggle to remain relevant to consumers. Some consolidation of larger businesses is still occurring. Other larger food manufacturing businesses and some gourmet food producers are booming. Since the pandemic we have seen an explosion of new food ventures, many of which need specialist technical support that business owners may not have factored in initially. Supply chain difficulties continue to impact companies of all sizes with shortages of raw and packaging materials, and delays in equipment delivery timeframes. Despite all of the current difficulties, one thing is for sure- we all need food to survive. Regardless of the external factors, I see a long-term need for specialist technical advice throughout the food industry; ASKAFOODTECH™ will continue to grow and adapt, so that we may service the industry’s needs in the future”.
What: Specialist food technology consultancy for Australian food producers
Where: ASKAFOODTECH™ is headquartered in Toowoomba, Queensland