Simpson Residential Ltd

pivotal in enhancing these operations. Co-construct is a cornerstone platform accessible across mobile devices and office desktops. Upon initial meetings, clients are provided with their own Co-construct account, granting them access to project-specific schedules outlining key milestones, such as information dissemination, plan reviews, and quote discussions. The transparent communication approach demonstrates professionalism and often influences clients’ decisions to engage with Simpson Residential. Integration also extends to subcontractors, who receive automated alerts through Co-construct when their services are required. The streamlined communication eliminates the need for an additional project manager, saving valuable time and resources. The platform’s dynamic nature ensures that any delays or advancements in one aspect of the project are reflected in the overall schedule, maintaining project momentum. EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES Co-construct serves as the central hub for managing communications and decisions, offering a 6 BUSINESS VIEW OCEANIA VOLUME 06, ISSUE 04