
6 7 BUSINESS VIEW OCEANIA VOLUME 4, ISSUE 8 BUSINESS VIEW OCEANIA VOLUME 4, ISSUE 8 MIDI SPENSARY being considered by Parliament, but we don’t know whether it will go through. Obviously, we hope very much that it does, because a patient should never have to choose between their own agency for travel and the medication they need for quality of life.” Mr. Havas shares that the appropriate management and growth of Australia’s medicinal cannabis industry has huge economic potential. “The reality is that our sector can bring a whole new line of revenue that can be used to improve schools, hospitals, infrastructure…You name it. We’re a $230 million industry now and we could potentially be worth five billion in the next five years. There’s great potential for domestic and export markets- we are talking thousands and thousands of jobs created to support that growth.” MiDispensary is one of only two Platinum members of the Australian Medicinal Cannabis Association (AMCA), and is proud to work with industry leaders such Althea, Cannatrek, Alfie, ANTG, Little Green Pharma, Sativite, Levin Health , Medibis, Medicinal Cannabis Australia and Phytoca. Looking to the future, MiDispensary hopes to continue building this network and expand their operation further into Newcastle and Wollongong, providing an integrated clinic and pharmacy solution to as many patients as possible. treatment costs, and intolerant driving laws. “We are working hard to build relationships with GPs and pharmacies across Australia to build acceptance of medicinal cannabis as a reputable form of treatment,” Mr. Havas says. “We want to give GP’s confidence in our ability to provide appropriate care and dispense the most effective brands as cheap as possible. He continues, “I have a criminal law background in Sydney. Section 111 of the Road Transport Act says you cannot drive with illicit drugs in your system, including cocaine, methamphetamine, and THC. Now, medicinal cannabis is currently the only prescription drug that if prescribed means you cannot drive. The problem is, THC builds up in fat cells over time, so you can still get a positive reading whilst not being impaired. This presents a real problem for the industry that needs to be addressed through urgent legislative change. Legislation has been introduced by the Greens that seeks exceptions for patients with prescriptions, and is currently PREFERRED VENDOR/ PARTNER n Althea Company Pty Ltd www.althea.life