ongoing energy development and potential hydrogen projects. The council is exploring comprehensive long-term solutions, including the potential Nathan Dam project. “When it was planned, there was always going to be a pipeline back into Western Downs from the dam, which basically provided more water from the outside of this catchment,” Cook explains. This forward-thinking approach extends to other towns like Chinchilla, which has seen significant growth. Here the council anticipates water capacity challenges, similar to those seen in Dalby 10 years ago. “We’re sort of seeing that within seven years we would be required to do something to increase our water capacity in that area, we’ve got some plans of potential off-stream water supplies and maybe extra allocation out of the river,” Cook adds. The approach is comprehensive, balancing immediate requirements with long-term sustainability. Email: Ph: 0437 464 734 Email: Ph: 0437 464 734 12 BUSINESS VIEW OCEANIA VOLUME 06, ISSUE 12