Shire of Dardanup, Western Australia

L ocated in the south west of WA, 185 km south of Perth, the welcoming Shire of Dardanup affords its 15,000 residents a lifestyle that is the envy of the region. A distinctive blend of rural and urban, the Shire of Dardanup believes in balanced growth and development while recognising the diverse needs of each community within its boundaries. Setting high standards as the “THINK Ahead Shire,” Council and community are working together to plan for the future. And with a plethora of visionary projects in the works, including an entirely new city, what an exciting future it will be! As outlined in its recently completed Vision Plan, by 2050 the Shire of Dardanup is slated to be a “healthy, self-sufficient and sustainable community that is connected and inclusive, and where our culture and innovation are celebrated.” The Shire of Dardanup has been identified in State Government planning as a premier catchment for WA’s future urban and industrial expansion. Indeed, the coming decades will be a transformative time for this idyllic rural landscape. Councillor Michael (Mick) Bennett, Shire of Dardanup President, reports, “We’re a very small shire in terms of sum, but we’re probably in the middle-tier in Western AT A GLANCE SHIRE OF DARDANUP WHAT: A visionary and fast-growing shire; population 15,000 WHERE: South west, WA WEBSITE: SHIRE OF DARDANUP, WESTERN AUSTRALIA A vision for the future