Clean My Office Space (CMOS)
6 7 BUSINESS VIEW OCEANIA VOLUME 4, ISSUE 7 BUSINESS VIEW OCEANIA VOLUME 4, ISSUE 7 Mr Laing continues, “We are beyond proud to report that we didn’t need to make a single cleaner redundant as a result of the lockdowns; I think that shows our dedication to our team, and their dedication to us as well. Loyalty is a huge deal for us, and it goes both ways.” CMOS has conducted meticulous market research to identify and meet the primary wants and needs of their clients. Mr. Laing shares, “Our customers care most about the consistency of their cleaning service and our ability to effectively communicate, but they are also concerning themselves with the wellbeing of our cleaners. Nobody wants to see someone doing their work and being miserable about it. That’s why we have worked so hard to create an environment that is enjoyable and has the appropriate incentives for outstanding effort. We recently self-submitted for an audit from the New Zealand Department of Labour, to further show our commitment to staff safety, fulfillment, and general wellbeing. We make sure our expectations are very clear and help our cleaners achieve them, and foster a workplace that is very open, inclusive, and transparent. CMOS genuinely wants to do right by our cleaners and clients.” Sustainability is a priority for CMOS. Mr. Frame explains, “Our team is passionate about our responsibility to take care of the environment. We see our role as more than just guardians of our clients’ hygiene and health- we champion sustainability wherever and whenever possible. That’s through our cleaning products, energy and waste management, and education. We cover the obvious little things like separating glass, cardboard, compost, and general recycling, and we carpool to reduce emissions. We also participate in the Million Metres Streams Project at the end of every year to plant trees according to every new contract we earned. It’s a source of great pride for us, and for our staff as well.” CMOS also provides a variety of online resources to support office, facility, and property management clients. They include eco-friendly, motivational, and hygiene posters to encourage sustainable, positive, and practices throughout the office, comprehensive moving checklists, and scoring tools to help choose responsible, reliable, and professional contractors. As the business continues to evolve, CMOS plans to expand their operation further into other New Zealand regions, in support of their goal to triple their market share over the next few years. If their recent growth is anything to go by, this is definitely a space to watch! For All Your Commercial Exterior Cleaning Needs 0800 555 494 | 09 8276550 | Keepin’ It Clean All Over New Zealand. Services Building Wash | Waterblasting | Roof Treatment | Gutter Cleaning | Abseil/Height Work Glass &Window Cleaning | Machine Sweep & Scrub | High Dust Cleaning CLEAN MY OFF I CE SPACE PREFERRED VENDORS/PARTNERS n Crombie Lockwood (NZ) Ltd. n Kiwi Maintenance Group
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