Build It Tasmania

HUMBLE BEGINNINGS Build It Tasmania started as a small enterprise over a decade ago.“We did a large development probably 12 years ago when the company was employing about five or six people,” Bromfield recalls. “We needed tradesmen and found it problematic to draw them in, so we started training our apprentices. At different stages, we had 40 guys on the books and all on wages, with about 16 apprentices.” Build It Tasmania’s unique strategy of nurturing in- house talent met their immediate staffing needs and laid the groundwork for sustainable expansion. “These days, we have a team of about 25 skilled professionals. Despite the post-COVID downturn, we are actively involved in commercial and residential projects and making our mark in the commercial market on a smaller scale.” GROWTH AND ADAPTATION Bromfield fondly recalls the company’s growth spurt. “Our most significant expansion was around 2016- 2017. We undertook a 50-lot subdivision, managing the concreting, excavating, and constructing units for a housing commission development.”This project was a turning point for Build It Tasmania, reshaping its model and stabilizing its approximately 30 employees. The ability to adapt and respond to market demands is a testament to Bromfield’s leadership. Even during downturns, the company maintained a robust workforce and diversified its portfolio to include problematic jobs that other builders often avoid. Bromfield’s strategic approach ensures that Build It Tasmania remains resilient, navigating the ups and downs of the construction industry with a focus on long-term sustainability. EMPOWERING THE WORKFORCE One of the most remarkable aspects of Build It Tasmania’s operations is its apprenticeship program. Bromfield’s pride is palpable as he discusses the success of this initiative.“We’ve produced some really good young guys. For instance, Jacob, an apprentice, took on a project to build an $800,000 house. He managed the project exceptionally well and is now training apprentices himself.” 3 BUSINESS VIEW OCEANIA VOLUME 06, ISSUE 07 BUI LD I T TASMANIA