Despite these advancements, SYNC employs skilled professionals, such as licensed plumbers and electricians, alongside experienced supervisors who bring traditional craftsmanship to the modernized setting.This blend of skilled and semi-skilled workers underscores SYNC’s hybrid approach—integrating the reliability of skilled craftsmanship with the inclusivity of modern manufacturing processes. AN INCLUSIVE WORKPLACE The workforce at SYNC predominantly consists of semi-skilled and low-skilled workers, many of whom are drawn from the local community in Melbourne’s burgeoning suburbs. The strategic choice supports community employment and reduces commute times, enhancing job satisfaction and work-life balance. For example, the factory setting allows for flexible working hours, which is particularly beneficial for employees with family commitments, such as families who need to manage childcare. Ong proudly notes, “Approximately 22% of the factory’s workforce is female, a significant figure compared to the typically male-dominated on-site construction environments.” This statistic not only highlights SYNC’s commitment to gender diversity but also reflects a broader trend of increasing female participation in various workforce sectors. Moreover, the demographic diversity extends beyond gender. The factory staff is average age, which indicates an inclusive age policy, with 34% of employees over 40 and 29% over 50. The diversity in age and skills enriches the workplace environment and promotes a broad array of perspectives within the company, enhancing cultural and experiential understanding. Reflecting on the company’s community impact and workforce strategy, Ong expresses pride and a desire to enhance public awareness of its advanced practices; he states,” SYNC is more than a factory disguised as a construction site; it is a hub of modern 5 BUSINESS VIEW OCEANIA VOLUME 06, ISSUE 05 SYNC