Intercontinental Melbourne The Rialto

breaking things in the industry. The key thing is whatever we do has to enhance the special nature of the history and the building. There are spaces that can be added to, such as the atmospheric secret laneway, that is now just a locked off space. “While we will do something with our rooms and public spaces in the next few years, it’s all aimed at bringing to the fore the jewel which is The Rialto building itself. Its connection with Melbourne’s past through to today. You can go to a new hotel that was just built last week and it might be a lovely building with a lot of assets but it hasn’t been there, soaking up Melbourne, for 130 years. There is a universal truth to this hotel and that is that every single person who walks through the door says “Wow” and then gets out their phone to take a photo. It’s just that kind of special place.” INTERCONT INENTAL MELBOURNE THE R I ALTO PREFERRED VENDOR n Empire Hospitality At Empire Hospitality our focus is on the delivery of cost effective housekeeping services and we continually strive for service excellence, through this method we have built an enviable reputation as a market leader in housekeeping services by providing site specific delivery to each of our clients. With proven experience in providing the best and efficient service, we are the housekeeping partners of the leading hotels and serviced apartments in Australia.