Action Forest Management

Action Forest Management has evolved from its grass-roots beginnings to a fully integrated silviculture provider that backs the forestry process from planning to ready to harvest, with the key focus being to supply professional silvicultural crews on a contract basis to complete programmes implementing forest establishment operations; planting, fertilising, and spot-spraying. Established forests are protected with AFM’s conservation program, which provides native habitat restoration and track maintenance services. General forest maintenance services include pruning, thinning, nutrient analysis, and aerial weed control and fertilisation. Action Forest Management also provides fire planning and protection services and is proud to assist forest owners in rural land management. Managing Director at Action Forest Management, Robin Thompson is keen to showcase the ability of his team. With a combined experience of over a century, senior representatives and crew managers at Action Forest Management are well equipped to provide a high-quality, sustainability-based experiences for all clients. Thompson himself has over 40 years of experience in firefighting and prevention, having served the New Zealand National Incident Management Team(s) for two decades through undertaking advanced training courses, including four in Australia, and during international wildfire deployments to Oregon, Idaho, and Tasmania. AFM’s Crew Managers also have experience in firefighting and have undertaken overseas deployment to Australia and Canada. Thompson explains that this level of skill reassures clients that AFM will help them be prepared in the event of a wildfire emergency. Maintaining such a strong team brings a lot of pride to Thompson; lack of silviculture worker support is an ongoing issue in the wider industry that AFM is helping to eradicate, he says. The company leads by example against this trend and is supported by their partnership with the Forest Industry Contractors Association (FICA). “The Forest Industry Contractors Association, which is led by the wonderful Prue Younger, have really done a lot to fill the gaps, promote better workplace culture and get the silviculture industry noticed at a government level. We are leaps and bounds ahead now in terms of the industry’s relationship with government departments, and that has brought about opportunities for support in things like regulation, sustainability, immigration, training, etc. FICA has been very productive this last year, and we are very thankful for that.” Action Forest Management is passionate about upskilling their members of staff and providing them with incentives for further training. Each site crew is led by a Crew Manager with high levels of experience. Focus on health and safety is paramount, and are supported by equipment of the highest quality, ranging from harnesses and belts to maintenance and specialist wilding pine eradication equipment. Technology is supplied to crews to keep them safe and boost productivity; EROAD tracking systems are installed in all company vehicles, and all crew members carry radios for efficient communication. ACT ION FOREST MANAGEMENT Managing Director, Robin Thompson