Business View Oceania - April 2024

comprehensive overview of project-related activities. It exemplifies Simpson Residential’s commitment to efficient project management and client satisfaction, facilitating smooth operations from inception to completion. Simpson emphasizes the importance of staying abreast of emerging technologies and trends in the construction industry. Whether exploring virtual reality’s potential for immersive client presentations or adopting drone technology for aerial surveys and site inspections, Simpson Residential remains at the forefront of technological innovation, continuously seeking new ways to enhance its offerings and exceed client expectations. As Simpson aptly says, “Technology is not just a tool; it’s a catalyst for transformation. By embracing innovation and leveraging cutting-edge solutions, we can elevate our operations to new heights and deliver value to our clients.” THE RISE OF MODULAR BUILDING Modular building has emerged as a game-changer in the construction industry, offering flexibility and efficiency. “We’ve come up with a modular home idea, and we’ve got our first one halfway through construction. It’s built indoors in our workshop. And it’s modular so that you can buy different modules and arrange them to suit your site”, Simpson describes. Modular building minimizes the impact of adverse weather conditions by constructing modules in a controlled indoor environment, a significant advantage in areas prone to inclement weather like the West Coast. Simpson highlights, “Working where we live is quite a wet area, so we get a lot of adverse weather conditions that can slow up builds or damage materials during the build.” Moreover, modular building significantly reduces overhead costs associated with travel and material delays. Simpson notes, “It drops our overheads because we have this traveling and the vehicle costs; it also gives the guys the flexibility to work different hours.” As the construction industry continues to evolve, modular building stands out as a forward-thinking 23 BUSINESS VIEW OCEANIA VOLUME 06, ISSUE 04 SIMPSON RESIDENT IAL LTD