EDITOR’S NOTES With the end of the year in full view, many organizations across the Oceania region are scanning the new business territory and prioritizing upcoming economic initiatives for 2025. With an upswing in the financial picture and many business sectors continuing to grow, there is much to celebrate as we embark on the festive season. From the bustling housing sector to booming agribased businesses, organizations in this beautiful part of the world are well-positioned to welcome a new year. We are privileged to cover some of these exciting economic developments for our December issue as we dive into what is next for these organizations. December’s issue brings you an in-depth look at some of the key infrastructure projects underway and planned in the Western Down’s region of Queensland. With the knowledge to carry out key upgrades to areas that have been earmarked for development, we interviewed the Western Down’s Council. For this month’s issue, we also featured Springhill Farms, a homegrown success story that brought the beauty of farm life into the culinary world. Springboarding from a farm open to visiting and sampling baked goods, Springhill Farm is now a household name and a full-fledged baking business displayed in grocery isles in the region. With all our profiles we hope that our valued business leaders learn a little something new about their relevant business sector as well as key developments in other industry sectors that may help drive their business model forward. As we continue to bring you features covering the very best in business developments across the Oceania region, we hope that you have a chance to unwind and celebrate the festive season with loved ones. Karen Surca Editor in Chief Dear Readers, 2 BUSINESS VIEW OCEANIA VOLUME 06, ISSUE 12