just looking for a place to relax after work,” Fitzgerald says.“Stadium Square is more than a meeting point— it’s now a vibrant destination in its own right.” DESIGNING FOR ACCESSIBILITY Inclusivity and accessibility have become central to Marvel Stadium’s operations, reflecting a broader commitment to ensuring every visitor feels welcome and supported. Fitzgerald highlights several initiatives that go above and beyond industry standards. “We’ve introduced sensory rooms that provide a calming space for people who may feel overwhelmed during high-energy events like concerts,” he describes. “These rooms are fully equipped to ensure that attendees with sensory sensitivities can enjoy the experience on their terms.” Another standout feature is the Hidden Sunflower disability initiative, which discreetly identifies guests with non-visible disabilities, allowing staff to provide tailored assistance without requiring guests to explain their needs publicly. “It’s a small but meaningful way to ensure inclusivity,” Fitzgerald says.“We want people to know they’re supported and valued, no matter their situation.” Fitzgerald adds, “Accessibility is not just about meeting minimum requirements—it’s about creating an environment where everyone, regardless of their abilities, feels like they belong. From parents with young children to individuals with sensory sensitivities or mobility challenges, we’ve designed the stadium to cater to a wide range of needs.” LEADING IN SUSTAINABILITY As part of the AFL, Marvel Stadium has embraced sustainability as a core value, demonstrating leadership in an area where many stadiums have lagged. Fitzgerald acknowledges the challenges of retrofitting a decades-old venue but highlights the significant progress. “Stadiums weren’t designed with sustainability in mind 30 years ago,” he explains. “But we’re making significant strides in areas like food waste recycling, energy efficiency, and encouraging sustainable transportation.” 47 BUSINESS VIEW OCEANIA VOLUME 06, ISSUE 12 MARVEL STADIUM