Business View Oceania | February 2021

35 36 BUSINESS VIEW OCEANIA FEBRUARY 2021 BUSINESS VIEW OCEANIA FEBRUARY 2021 use as fuel for our kilns. Or it goes to bedding for the local chicken farms – that’s a big industry here. And after a few weeks it’s extracted from the sheds and turned into fertilizer that is spread on the farm fields.” The nature of the product and the manufacturing process means there are next to no offcuts. The panels get made exactly to length for the build, so very little waste there, either. Woodspan PLT Panels delivers to jobs all throughout New Zealand and expansion beyond the country is on the horizon. As Boon confides, “Being a fairly new business, we’ve been fine tuning the product offer and the manufacturing to fully understand our cost margin and now we’re looking at expanding to other regions. Australia is currently our biggest market for Taranakipine, making up close to 50 percent of our total turnover for sales. We have been exporting there for over 30 years and have a lot of experience in this market. It would be the logical place to expand for Woodspan – the customer base might be different but the construction methodology in Australia is very similar to New Zealand. So, Australia is of strong interest.” To best sum up the important attributes of his company, Boon shares, “Woodspan PLT Panels is a mass timber product with proven market performance that equally matches the construction industry needs for high- end residential construction through to the multi-unit affordable housing market. That is accomplished using a long-established wood processing company, Taranakipine, that has the capability to deliver the scale needed from the raw log material right through to the finished product and distribution. We’ve had so much encouragement, and support and knowledge sharing from the industry overall and the Taranaki region, and we are very grateful for that.” BWRS is proud to partner with Woodspan BWRS (BrokerWeb Risk Services) is New Zealand’s largest independent insurance broker. With offices across the country, we have the ability to provide face to face service the length and breadth of New Zealand; we’re here for you when it counts. Expert advice and personal service &UHDWLQJ YDOXH E\ JURZLQJ 3HRSOH 3URGXFWV 3DUWQHUV DQG 3URVSHULW\ .R WƗ PƗWDX WLQR ZKƗLQJD NR WH WLQR WLDNL L WH ZKHQXD PH WH ZDLKDQJD ZƗWHDWDQJD Pǀ QJƗ XUL NDWRD ND ZKDL DNH 2XU PLVVLRQ LV WR SURWHFW WKH ODQG DQG FUHDWH RSSRUWXQLWLHV IRU DOO IXWXUH JHQHUDWLRQV 3URXG WR VXSSRUW DQG VXSSO\ 7DUDQDNL 3LQH WXUQLQJ ORFDOO\ JURZQ WLPEHU LQWR HQJLQHHUHG ZRRG SURGXFWV :( 81'(567$1' 75((6 ZZZ VXPPLWIRUHVWs FR Q] _ WOODSPAN PLT PANELS PREFERRED VENDORS/PARTNERS n Chris Bell Construction & Project Management Ltd | Chris Bell Construction is a progressive and innovative construction company, primarily serving the Taranaki region. Company Director Chris Bell, personally brings a wealth of experience gained through the successful management of multiple projects, ranging from specialised industrial buildings, award-winning homes, renovations, pre-cast construction and site management of international commercial projects. n ANZ n Summit Forests n BrokerWeb Risk Services