Business View Magazine Jan-Feb 2019

23 “We’ve also got members in Singapore, and there are schools in Malaysia, Thailand and Ko- rea that have shown some serious interest. “In China we trained staff in a boarding school just out of Shanghai. In September, we’re going to spend some time in India. There’s a big group of English speaking schools there, so we’ll be heading out to do some support work.” When it comes to assessing and raising stan- dards, ABSA’s next step is to create a review service. With this service, a boarding school can invite ABSA in for three to four days to re- view their boarding program, to talk about what they’re doing well, and about what they can do better. “We think a really tailored ap- proach to this review process would be the best one. Some schools will want a special review,” says Stokes, “For ex- ample, one school recently wanted us to take a look at its staffing structure, and how it might go about changing it.” The theme for ABSA’s strat- egy is to create a successful future for boarding schools through developing better education for stu- dents, better professional learning for staff and through developing partnerships with a range of companies that would prove great connec- tions for its members – mattress companies and gap year providers for example. “I’m also working towards developing positive relationships and connections with the govern- ment and non-profit organisations. Those or- ganisations that need to really be involved with the boarding school side of things, academic or- ganisations whose actions may have a knock on effect to what we’re trying to achieve.” WAS IT ALL WORTH IT? Stokes’ passion for boarding standards is noth- ing short of a blessing to the world of Australian boarding. The concept of boarding and the sup- port it requires has been largely forgotten by the rest of the education industry, with Stokes stating: “They’re almost an unknown quantity in Austra- lian society; it’s been revolutionary for them to have someone that actually cares for their in- terests. “It is a Herculean task, but I’ve got a passion, I started it after all, it’s my fault.” With the numerous streams of support and guidance ABSA has and will have in place, its growth is inevitable and watching it spread its wings is all the more exciting.