July-August 2016 Oceania Edition

Business View Australia - July - August 2016 99 Supporting Partners Mercedes-Benz Australia mbsydney.com.au Badger Australia badgeraustralia.com.au targets specific goals and sets out to conquer them: “We set out some pret- ty big goals. One of them was to double in size in twelve to eighteen months. In order to preserve culture, quality and attention to detail whilst we sus- tain that growth, we had to make sure that our foundations were rock sol- id. So we spent the last year building and reinforcing those first by of invest- ing in technology, R&D and people. There was a solid amount of growth to achieve, and so we devised an in- ternal program called ‘Our Road Map to Awesomeness’ and focused heavily on those areas.” Now we are about to launch that growth phase in Summer 2017 and we are pumped.” This philosophy permeates every part of Chill’s business. When there’s a project at hand, the team members are expected to put their creative force into work and deliver outstanding re- sults. Though not every client may re- alise this, those who understand the process and witness the results re- spect Chill for the way it operates. In turn, they are much more likely to rec- ommend the company in the future, and that great reputation is a key part of the business. “When we speak to new clients, they often have horror stories of what they’ve experienced in the industry. Those unfortunate circumstances that they’ve had seem to be very common. Our view is to go out there and create something that is refreshingly differ- ent,” says Andrew. Chill’s future looks very bright Chill is not the type of company that will rest on its laurels just because things are going well. On the contrary, Chill thrives on constantly challenging the status quo to deliver smarter ways of doing things. “For us, innovation is a mindset,” says Andrew. “It’s crucial. In fact, it is the cornerstone of our vi- sion to revolutionise the transport in- dustry. At Chill, innovation doesn’t happen in isolation. The creation of new products, systems and experienc- es are achieved when all departments and industry leaders collaborate and work together as a team. Constantly moving forward is the only way to stay fresh, relevant and on top of the indus- try.” This thinking has enabled Chill to disrupt the market on a national ba- sis and become a standout player in transport and logistics. Creating a truly sustainable busi- ness is the ultimate goal and almost everything that the company does contributes towards that goal in one way or another. With a team of dedi- cated people and a company culture that sparks innovation and rewards it, the future of Chill looks bright indeed.