Business View Oceania - June 2024

the construction industry. “The next five years looks quite promising in terms of projects planned,” Dart notes.With one and a half million migrants expected to arrive in Australia over the next five years, the demand for construction projects, particularly in housing and infrastructure, is set to increase. Dart stresses the need for significant infrastructure investment to accommodate population growth. “We’ve had consecutive governments that haven’t invested enough in infrastructure like our transport system, for instance,” he said. The AIB advocates for enhanced investment in roads, hospitals, and other critical infrastructure to support the nation’s growth. ADDRESSING HOUSING SHORTAGES Australia’s housing shortage is a pressing issue that the AIB is actively addressing. The institute is working with the government to accelerate 15 BUSINESS VIEW OCEANIA VOLUME 06, ISSUE 06 THE AUSTRAL IAN INST I TUTE OF BUI LDING (AIB)