Business View Oceania - June 2024

testament to the ZAA’s vision and leadership.Craddock notes, “We can speak to the community about pro- conservation behavior, to educate them around the species and better sustainability practices.” The educational role is necessary in fostering a deeper understanding and commitment to conservation among the public. The ZAA’s emphasis on positive animal welfare and rigorous accreditation process ensures that member organizations meet and exceed standards. The dedication to high standards has positioned ZAA as a global leader in animal welfare and conservation. CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES Despite its successes, the ZAA faces ongoing challenges in species conservation and animal welfare. The threat of extinction for many native species in Australia and New Zealand remains a pressing concern. Bensted points out, “Sadly, Australia’s got a shocking record of extinctions of native species.” However, the challenges also present opportunities for innovation and collaboration. The ZAA’s network of members, partnerships with government and NGOs, and commitment to science-based practices provide a strong foundation for addressing these issues. The association’s role in facilitating breeding and recovery programs, both locally and globally, is critical in reversing the decline of endangered species. A BRIGHT FUTURE As the ZAA looks to the future, its focus on positive animal welfare, conservation, and education remains unwavering. The upcoming World Species Congress and World Association Conference are just two examples of how the association continues to lead and innovate in the field. Bensted and Craddock’s leadership and vision drive the ZAA’s mission forward. Their commitment to fostering collaboration, promoting high animal welfare standards, and engaging with the community underscores the association’s vital role in conservation. The ZAAprofoundly impacts wildlife preservation and public awareness through its rigorous accreditation programs, extensive partnerships, and dedication to education and community engagement. As it looks to the future, the association remains dedicated to achieving positive outcomes for wildlife and people, ensuring that zoos and aquariums play a crucial role in global conservation efforts. “All things are interconnected, and this synergy will continue to propel us forward in our mission to achieve positive outcomes for wildlife and people,” Craddock concludes. 70 BUSINESS VIEW OCEANIA VOLUME 06, ISSUE 06