Business View Oceania - May 2024

C-Twelve’s journey began in 2020 when two visionary founders, one a chemical engineer and the other a road-testing engineer, united to tackle the challenges of traditional road construction methods. Together, they forged a concept that would transform the industry. Over the past four years, the company has evolved from a modest R&D endeavor in Carlisle to a purpose-built Canning Vale, Western Australia facility. THE PRODUCT LINEUP As Lee explains, C-Twelve’s innovation is centered around two unique products: C12 Plus and C12 Black. C12 Plus, a proprietary binder, is a game-changer in the industry. Unlike traditional binders, C12 Plus interacts with carbon, a process that plays a crucial role in road manufacturing. This innovative binder enhances sub-base compaction by incorporating biochar-based carbon, ensuring a strong foundation for road surfaces. Complementing C12 Plus is C12 Black, a graded material engineered to replace traditional asphalt- wearing courses. What sets C12 Black apart is its application process. Unlike conventional asphalt, which requires high temperatures for laying, C12 Black can be applied at ambient temperatures, significantly reducing energy consumption and environmental impact. The material undergoes a reaction upon compaction, delivering performance on par with traditional asphalt surfaces. The core of C-Twelve’s innovation lies in the synergy between carbon and the binder, a fusion of technology and sustainability. By harnessing carbon’s potential, the company not only improves road performance but also reduces its environmental impact. Lee stresses that this unique approach provides a sustainable alternative to traditional asphalt and cement, with similar properties but less ecological impact. In an industry known for reluctance to embrace change, C-Twelve emerges as a trailblazer, pushing boundaries and redefining standards. With the imminent launch of its groundbreaking products, anticipation surges across the infrastructure sector. C-Twelve is positioned to make a lasting impact on road construction, leading the charge towards a more efficient, environmentally conscious future. 19 BUSINESS VIEW OCEANIA VOLUME 06, ISSUE 05 C-TWELVE