Business View Oceania - May 2024

EDITOR’S NOTES Boasting unlimited natural beauty and endless outdoor attractions, New Zealand and Australia offer those lucky enough to live in the region a second- to-none lifestyle. With its many charms, it is not only residents who are profiting from a great climate and top-notch recreational opportunities, creative business minds are profiting from its natural assets and have established enterprises that cater to customers’ needs while fitting naturally into the region’s enviable economic landscape. By Tapping into sustainable avenues, recreational opportunities, and a booming new construction environment, businesses have sprung up offering successful business solutions. Business View Oceania seized the opportunity to interview the teams behind some of the region’s successful companies that have pivoted to match consumer demand. The time is ripe for these companies as the economy is seeing a little upward momentum and inflation has begun to level out somewhat. Adding to the positive economic picture, supply chains are starting to normalize after a roller coaster ride over the last few years. Eco Cycles is one such example of a company that recognized the local market’s increasing demand for high-performance cycle products. Seizing the market potential, Eco Cycles has ridden past the competition and has blazed the business trial as it leads the competitive cycle sector. We also profiled Trowse Construction and discovered how this leading contractor is building an unsurpassed future by capitalizing on new construction opportunities while providing the expertise and efficiency that are unparalleled in the local industry. Feature articles for this issue also include Sync Industries and C-Twelve. Both companies lead the competition with sustainable options and by implementing forward-thinking initiatives for their client base. With all our profiles we hope that our valued business leaders learn a little something new about their relevant business sector as well as something about key developments within other business sectors that may serve to increase productivity and represent a model to strive for. As we continue to bring you features covering the very best in business, aviation, and municipal developments across the Oceania region, we hope that you have a lucky and prosperous month of May and enjoy all that we bring into view for you! Karen Surca Editor in Chief Dear Readers, 2 BUSINESS VIEW OCEANIA VOLUME 06, ISSUE 05