Business View Oceania - May 2024

Ong also mentions ongoing research into new materials that could further reduce the environmental impact of the bathroom pods. Although specific details are currently under wraps, he hints at promising developments that aim to make SYNC’s products even more sustainable, particularly concerning carbon emissions compared to traditional construction methods. Through these efforts, SYNC enhances its corporate image and contributes meaningfully to the global challenge of reducing environmental impact. The work exemplifies how industrial innovation can be harmoniously aligned with ecological stewardship, setting a standard for future generations in the construction industry. CORE PARTNERSHIPS SYNC is nurturing an export relationship with New Zealand, providing custom bathroom solutions for retirement villages and aged care facilities through a partnership with Metlifecare. The international venture highlights SYNC’s ability to adapt and deliver specialized products across borders, addressing specific local needs while maintaining high standards. In Australia, SYNC maintains relationships with significant industry players, including the ASX- listed company Mirvac, known for its large-scale developmental projects. SYNC also partners with various developers in New South Wales, such as Deicorp and Geocon, indicating SYNC’s strong foothold in the regional market. These relationships are important, as they help SYNC to sustain its operation flow and expand its influence in the construction sector. GROWTH AND INNOVATIONS Looking ahead to 2024 and beyond, Ong is optimistic about the company’s growth trajectory despite recent industry-wide challenges. With a projected increase in pod production and turnover, SYNC is poised for a 35% growth by 2025 and aims for an additional 20-30% in the following year. The growth is supported by continuous investment in innovative methods and technologies that enhance efficiency and output, ensuring SYNC remains at the forefront 33 BUSINESS VIEW OCEANIA VOLUME 06, ISSUE 05 SYNC