Business View Oceania - May 2024

• CEO messages via email • Chair messages via email • Social media • Video conferencing • Email Direct Marketing (EDMs) 5. What are the salient points that you would like a reader to take away from the Australian Airports Association’s contributions to the Aviation industry? The Australian Airports Association’s advocacy strategy was instrumental in securing government support for Australia’s Aviation Sector during the pandemic. The Association’s 2021/2022 Federal Budget Submission resulted in the sector receiving around 80% of its Federal Budget request, including an extension of the Domestic and Regional Aviation Network Support programs which subsidise empty seats on aircraft to keep the national aviation network operational, the Domestic Airports Security Costs Support (DASCS), which provides rebates to airports for mandatory security screening services, and the development of the Tourism Aviation Network Support (TANS) program, which funded half-price airfares to select tourism destinations across Australia. The AAA recently successfully advocated for a further $64 million to support the security screening costs for international aircraft and passengers as we prepare to welcome back overseas travellers and is currently in conversation with the Australian Government on a program to provide more support to airports continuing to do it tough with next to no passengers passing through the terminal. The AAA will continue its role in being a strong and united voice for Australia’s airport sector. We will do all we can to achieve government support and recognition that will help pull the industry, and subsequently the whole of Australia, through to the other side of the pandemic. 74 BUSINESS VIEW OCEANIA VOLUME 06, ISSUE 05