Business View Oceania - May 2024

Australian producers of medical supplies, among the most impacted by supply chain issues in the past, have seen the time between ordering and receiving goods whittled down from a mid-pandemic peak of 61 days to an average of 14. The report also noted that while majority of the manufacturers in the report are B2B firms using traditional sales channels, Australian manufacturers are increasingly diversifying their sales models. 48 per cent of Australian and New Zealand firms are now using or have used eCommerce tools, up from just four per cent in 2021. “While it’s disappointing to see sales revenue drop in Q1 2024, there have been stand-out performances in some categories, notably beverages,”Adam said.“Year- on-year growth is heading in the right direction after a couple of years and it’s promising to see just how much emphasis these SMEs are putting on productivity gainers like better stock control and diversified sales channels.” 8 BUSINESS VIEW OCEANIA VOLUME 06, ISSUE 05