Business View Oceania | September 2022

7 8 BUSINESS VIEW OCEANIA VOLUME 4, ISSUE 9 BUSINESS VIEW OCEANIA VOLUME 4, ISSUE 9 yes to every professional opportunity and that served me well but now it’s about being a little more discerning and proactively going after opportunities that feel ambitious and exciting.” When asked what she would like to be remembered for when she was lying on her death bed, the theme is similar. “What a question! I’ve had to make some tough choices along the way, but I’d like to think I’ve always been fair. I’d like to be remembered for bringing a bit of positivity and energy to most situations. Also, for encouraging people to take the next professional step beyond what they think they might be capable of. In the end, that little bit of discomfort has always paid off for them.” It’s a no pain, no gain kind of philosophy that any high achiever would be proud of. But it’s not all about achievement for achievement sakes. Ms Robbie is also passionate about making YouGov’s work meaningful. In a world where “corporate social responsibility” can sometimes seem like a checklist item, Miss Robbie has already taken the first step in replacing the company’s social event committee with a “social good” committee. “It won’t always be fun living in the shadows of Covid and facing the realities our current economic climate, but we can do good and that can bring us joy and satisfaction,” she said. “Also, our teams want more from a company culture than a party scene these days. Coming together to give back is a much more powerful equation.” Unsurprisingly, “taking a breath” is on her list of things she needs to remind herself to do in the role. “I’m in it for the marathon, not the sprint.” Laura would also like to acknowledge the very substantial leadership and support of outgoing APAC CEO Julien Chevignon. “Julien and his regional team built the APAC region for YouGov and off the back of this success, will be taking up the role of YouGov CEO for Western Europe.” Further information YouGov is an international market research and data analytics firm. The global online community, at the heart of YouGov, gives millions of people and thousands of political, cultural, and commercial organisations a chance to engage in a continuous conversation about their beliefs, behaviours, and brands. This continuous stream of data is then combined with their deep research expertise and broad industry experience, to develop the technologies and methodologies that will enable more collaborative decision making. And provide a more accurate, more actionable portrait of what the world thinks. OPENING L INES