From the Editor – Volume 3 Issue 9

September 17, 2021

Spring is finally here for the Oceania region! Now is traditionally time spent travelling, sightseeing, attending events, and enjoying quality time with friends and family. But for many of us, these seasonal activities remain just out of reach. There is no doubt that the effects of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic still linger in many parts of the world. For the Oceania region, pockets of the virus continue to flare. With recurring lockdowns and ever-changing restrictions still present, it is imperative that we consider the impact that COVID-19 has on our mental health, and not just in the workplace.

Each year in September, Australia celebrates R U OK day; an event that encourages all members of Australian society to ask friends, family, colleagues, and even strangers a very simple question. The phrase “Are you okay?” may seem trivial to some, but for a person struggling with their mental health, it opens up a conversation that could be lifesaving. R U OK is an organization that works year-round to prevent suicide and educate the public on ways to help those experiencing distress. R U OK day provides an opportunity to raise awareness for suicide prevention and provide resources for those who know someone in crisis, or who are experiencing a crisis themselves. The organization stresses the importance of checking in regularly with those around us whether they seem to be struggling or not, and in a time so full of uncertainty, it can be said that the event has never been as important as it is now. Visit R U OK’s website, , to stay up to date with relevant news and events, and to access valuable information and resources that could improve or even save the life of you or someone you know.

Let’s hear it for businesses and organizations supporting our environment!

During this issue of Business View Oceania, we explore a range of businesses and organizations across our Clean and Green, Equipment Management, and Aviation View sectors. We begin our Clean and Green focus with Enviro Associated Products, a dedicated provider of environmentally sustainable, FSC certified food and hygiene paper products. Enviro Associated Products, or EAP for short, services businesses and end users across four countries worldwide: Australia, New Zealand, Russia, and Singapore. Next up is Action Forest Management (AFM) with their world-class silviculture services. Lead by Managing Director Robin Thompson, AFM provides clients across New Zealand’s South Island with high-quality, comprehensive silviculture solutions that are tailored to the individual needs of each forest. Finally, our Clean and Green sector highlights Baypine Forestry. A forestry services provider that has been in operation for over two decades, Baypine Forestry runs a multi-crew operation that supports over 40 employees- many of whom migrate seasonally to New Zealand for work. The company has a strong focus on employee education and training, and works hard to support local communities through charity work and sponsorship.

Chadwick Forklifts takes the stage as we move into our Equipment Management sector. A multi-purpose supplier of forklift wholesale rental, transport, and servicing for clients throughout Victoria, Australia, Chadwick Forklifts is proud to support small businesses and large corporations alike for all of their forklift-related needs. This company has exceptionally strong values that focus on loyalty, individuality, professionalism, and adaptability.

For our Aviation View this issue, we are lucky enough to feature the Australian Airports Association and Aviation New Zealand. We start with the Australian Airports Association, or AAA, a peak body for airports and aerodromes Australia-wide. Facilitating cooperation between members and their stakeholders and contributing to the safety, security, efficiency, and environmental responsibility of Australia’s air transport system, the AAA is currently working hard to maintain COVID-19 recovery efforts across the country. Business View Oceania finishes this issue with Aviation New Zealand. Aviation New Zealand was founded over 70 years ago; their experience and expertise in New Zealand’s aviation industry is second to none. Their members benefit from priorities that focus on safety, advocacy, expertise, engagement, and communication. Aviation New Zealand remains optimistic for the future of the industry despite recent pandemic-related challenges and will continue to support members in any way they can.

Be kind to yourself and others this September, folks. Be well, stay safe, and as always… Enjoy the read!






Morgan Kenyon


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