Business View Australia
practice notes on the subject of fi-
nancial and asset management.
LGAT offers a number of profes-
sional development opportunities to
both elected members and officers.
It has instituted a rolling program of
development opportunities that ad-
dress local government issues and
In the recent past, the LGAT ran a
forum for finance and asset officers
around integrating financial and as-
set management and one on the im-
plementation of the heavy vehicle
regulations. Programs such as these
are regularly held throughout the
Essential role played by
LGAT has provided great help and
support to Tasmania’s councils over
the years. In addition to represent-
ing them at the State and Federal
level, the association provides train-
ing to council staff and a host of re-
sources to assist them in the perfor-
mance of their functions.
The work that the association does
assumes greater importance as the
local government sector is undergo-
ing important changes.
Mayor Doug Chipman sees a major
role for the association in the days
ahead. He said, “This is a time of sig-
nificant proposed reform to the sec-
tor and I intend to ensure the voice
of local government is heard clear-
ly by those in power. I would like to
see LGAT on the front foot in regards
to issues such as planning reform,
amalgamations, shared services
and financial reform.”