Centre’s General Manager, talked to
us about the services offered by the
venue as well as the points that differ-
entiate them from the competition. Pa-
tricia manages the facility seven days
a week and is proud to preserve the
original vision which led to the devel-
opment of the centre. The venue is a
not-for-profit organisation which re-
directs the vast majority of its profits
back into the community, supporting
numerous charities and local groups in
the process. Some examples including
support for a mission in Madagascar
that aims to put more kids to school,
regional youth Aboriginal group, Wom-
en’s Refuge, as well as charities for the
marginalized and homeless people of
Hosting professional and
community events
Today, the centre is operated by sev-
eral paid employees as well as a huge
team of volunteers pooled from the lo-
cal community. According to Patricia,
what makes the centre truly unique is
that it is a “modern venue suitable for
the high end corporate sector yet at
the same time it is able to accommo-
date smaller groups at different levels
in order to benefit a variety of commu-
nity use”. Large corporations around