Business View Oceania
ney Stock Exchange. At that time, all
of its manufacturing capabilities had
already ceased and the company fo-
cused entirely on the import and dis-
tribution of steel wheels from Taiwan
and alloy wheels from 15 other coun-
tries. Finally, in 1999, Gregory Rus-
sell and two other Company Directors
from the publicly listed company, un-
dertook a successful management
buyout of the Company’s share regis-
ter and took it back to private owner-
ship status. Gregory, who talked to us
about the company, has been a part
of the Speedy Wheels management
team since June 1993 while his expe-
rience in the industry begins as early
as 1973.
Maintaining a great
reputation throughout
Today, Speedy Wheels is one of the
most renowned importers and dis-
tributors of aftermarket wheels and
wheel accessories in Australia. In-
stead of dealing directly with consum-
Ian Stewart (National Sales Manager), Steve Morling (National Operations Manager),
Luke Tonkin (Product Manager), Michael Holovinsky (Business Developement Manager)