Business View Australia
Following commencement of active
cosmeceuticals, a reviewappointment
is scheduled to reanalyse the skin and
plan the next treatment phase.
The third and final phase is all
about “Safety & Suitability”. One
of the clinic’s core philosophies is
to always put client safety at the
forefront. To ensure safety is not
compromised, skin suitability is
tested prior to commencement of
treatment. For instance, where laser/
IPL is recommended a test patch is a
is any doubt in regard to ingredient
intolerance, again a test patch will
be performed and reassessed after
three days.
Education and curing is of
equal importance
During each phase of the Skin ID
process, high priority is given to
client education. Simply treating a
condition is not enough to prevent it
reoccurring in the future. The skin is
indicative of our internal functioning.
Therefore, education of dietary