Business View Australia - November-December 2015
The ownership of the hotel changed
recently and the new proprietors
have initiated major renovation of
the infrastructure. In addition to this,
greater emphasis is being placed
on staff training and the range of
facilities that are available for guests.
Shannon Jansz, the new general
manager of Cairns Plaza Hotel
describes the changes that have
taken place, “When the current
owners purchased the Cairns Plaza it
was in need of refurbishment as the
previous owners were not prepared to
spend any money on the hotel.
“A lot of changes were made in
the running of the hotel and the
refurbishment was started one
floor at a time. Once two floors
were completed the hotel started
advertising overseas, hiredanewchef,
new staff and a general manager. We
have retained a number of the original
“All the purchases for the
refurbishment were made locally in
Cairns. A conscious decision was
made to support local businesses
rather than outsource from down