Business View Australia - December 2015 25
community. This aspect of Council’s
work is especially important as the
population of Campbelltown is steadily
expanding and the demand for active
and passive leisure is increasing.
Industries and employment
Manufacturing is an important part
of the local economy and is primarily
based in Ingleburn and Minto. This
sector continued to sustain itself
through the global financial crisis and
is currently moving towards a greater
degree of specialisation and niche
Jeff Lawrence says, “The number of
precision manufacturing businesses
is increasing in Campbelltown. That
will be a cornerstone of our future
industrial base, but we are also seeing
activity and market interest in health
and education due to the location of
Western Sydney University and both
the Campbelltown Public and Private
Hospitals. A lot of employment is
anticipated to be generated in health
and education, based on our city’s
significant health and education
centre, another large shopping facility is
the Campbelltown Mall operated by the
Perron Group who is based in Western
Australia. They have been retailers in
Campbelltown for many years and just
recently, they have talked to us about
future plans for their site. Retailing is
a significant employer for us and we’re
working closely with local businesses
suchas this toensuresustainable future
growth, as well as increase employment
opportunities for our residents.”