core concrete floor planks acting as
ducts, and a natural gas hydronic
water system with 910 heating
outlets. These features have a
significant positive impact on the
building’s internal environment,
and provide a long-term advantage
to cost saving and future building
John Holland has 16 Green Star-
in the Green Building Council of
Australia’s continual professional
staff members have completed
IS Foundation Training with the
Infrastructure Sustainability Council
of Australia.
The company’s green initiatives
and practices have served to
differentiate it from its competitors
and establish John Holland as a
leading Australian construction firm
for clients who wish to contribute
towards preserving the environment.
The Way Ahead
Over the years John Holland has
gained experience in a wide range
of industries and sectors and
has a well-deserved reputation
for being a highly competent and
capable construction firm. Now that
it has become a part of the China
Company Ltd, it will have even
greater scope as it will be able to
leverage the opportunities offered
by its parent.
With increasing stress being laid on
sustainability and green issues, John
Holland is at a distinct advantage as
it has attained numerous Green Star
ratings for its work. The company has
embedded sustainable practices in
every part of its business in amanner
that enables it to intelligently weigh
the economic, environmental, social
and governance aspects on its long-
term ability to prosperously sustain
the business and the communities
in which it operates.
John Holland is well-positioned to
take advantage of its unique set of
skills and experience to benefit from
the projected growth in Australian
infrastructure and to capitalise on
the new possibilities presented
by virtue of being a subsidiary of
one of the largest international
construction companies.
Preferred Vendor