100 Business View Australia - August 2015
George Edwards describes the
qualities of a competent consultant
and explains why MICA members are
eminently suited to be the ones to
furnish reports under the JORC code,
“I think a good consultant has to
be a good listener. You need to fully
understand exactly that the client
wants and how you can best help them
and there is a very fine line because
the last thing that a consultant can
afford to do is in essence, “what do
you want me to say?”
“In the period from the late 60’s to
the early 70’s, when nickel was the
big thing there were a number of
consultants who produced reports
that were later found to be in error or
“As a consequence many investors
in shares in mining companies lost
a lot of money because companies
went bankrupt as dishonest reports
were produced at that time.
“The benefit to the client when he is
dealing with a consultant who is part
of MICA is that he knows that he is
getting someone who is experienced
and who is competent, because
competency is a combination of
your base qualification, professional