32 Business View Australia - August 2015
towards the common goal of achieving
better health outcomes for all.
A special focus area for the PHAA is
the reduction of health inequalities
across the
Aus t r a l i an
population. It
also plays an
active role
in providing
a forum for
the regular
e x c h a n g e
of views and information amongst
membersof thehealthsector andworks
towards promoting the development
and education of public health workers.
The PHAA has been playing a crucial
role in the country’s national health
system by bringing many issues of
importance to the forefront and by
coordinating the efforts of various
people and agencies concerned
with public health. Over the years
it has been successful in this role
and its growing membership and
We would like to see a
greater investment in
keeping people well and
keeping them out of hospital