So after we have gotten everything
paved, the next step will be to widen
these single-lane sections and this will
take at least 10 to 15 years. And that’s
just on the state network. We’ve also
got about 1200kms of our own road
network which is pretty much all gravel
or natural formation of sandy soil”, ex-
plains Robert.
As one can plainly see, a lot of money
has been utilized in improving the road
network. Thankfully, government fund-
ing and federal programs have helped
tremendously in this regard. Programs
like Road to Recovery are vital to com-
munities like the Shire of Barcoo. Since
sealing the roads, people’s destina-
tions have also changed dramatically,
both socially and business-wise. So-
cially, people are much more likely to
visit areas with decent infrastructure.
And as far as business is concerned,
the beef supply network goes direct-
ly through the region so these invest-
ments are essentially value-adding to
the people of Queensland.
Developing a network for
Another major project for the Council
has been the development and main-
tenance of a decent telecommunica-
tions network. Though this has been
an ongoing concern since 2001, views
on technology were much different
back then than they are today. In the