114 Business View Australia - June 2015
The Superfinish
Express fran-
chise model
Franchisees extend their
services to the trade and
not to retail customers
thereby assuring them-
selves of repeat business
of a bulk nature from a limit-
ed set of clients. Superfinish Ex-
press provides the unique facility of
administrative and accounts support
from its national office to its franchi-
sees. This facility includes the provi-
sion of monthly reports which docu-
ment business progress, sales data,
customer evaluation and progress
assessments for each franchisee.
The central administrative office
chases up with customers for pay-
ments, leaving the franchisees free to
go about their business of repairing
paintwork and allied activities. The
accounting system handled from the
head office ensures weekly payment
and the franchisee’s role is restrict-
ed to completing the company’s
e-billing procedure. These practices,
honed over the years, make for an
extraordinary franchisee experience
where there are no administrative
worries and it is not necessary to
spend time on chasing debtors.
Caedmon Foy explains the factors
to repeat
business for
franchisees, “It is
not unusual for me
to see a car three times
before it makes it to the
dealership. They have damage
when somebody tints the window
or when interior leather work is be-
ing done. If a mechanic has done a
road test on a brand new vehicle he
may have knocked the car against
a pole or run it into another car in
the wash bay. Mechanics, when
they are fitting certain parts in the
car, may make a mistake and put
a scratch or a nick on the vehicle.
I have got a lot of friends in business
who tell me that we are the only com-
pany that does not advertise our toll