Business View Australia - June 2015 53
took up the role of Project Man-
ager in the company upon its in-
ception,” says Buildcor’s Project
Manager Anthony Lumbaca.
As their project sizes can get
quite big, Buildcor has estab-
lished an array of key work-
ing relationships with dif-
ferent sub-contractors.
“Being a commercial and resi-
dential company, we don’t solely
use one or two companies for ev-
ery job description. A lot of our
suppliers and sub-contractors
that would do residential for in-
stance, they don’t then go and
do our commercial work. We’re
tied up with a lot of large com-
panies around the place, and
also have relationships with the
specialised smaller companies.
So we have many, many sup-
pliers. More than a large proj-
ect builder would have, just
because of the different
types of work that we do.”
Although some spec home de-
signs are available on the Buildcor
website, Lumbaca says they try
to be as personalised as possi-
ble. They will meet with the client
to get an idea of what they are
looking for and go from there.
“We build custom-designed proj-
ects. We don’t rely solely on just
doing spec homes. A client will
come to us with ideas and we sit
with them, learn their vision and
basically turn their ideas into re-
ality. We work with them right
from the start and stay active-
ly involved until completion.”
Lumbaca believes the person-
alised service and direct inter-
action with the customers are
two key success factors behind
the company’s continued growth.
The experience within their com-
pany has given them a snapshot
of what exactly the customers
are looking for. Their in-house
staff is five people strong and
growing, and their intimate in-
teraction is what clients like.
“A lot of it also comes from the
experience within our company.
We find that we get a lot of our
clients that come to us with hor-
ror stories of their previous build.
And they don’t want to go through
that again. They want that expe-
rienced builder with a boutique
company that’ll be with them right
through the course of the project.
Basically, we go through our pro-
cedures really quickly because the
company is smaller and very struc-
tured and we kind of tick boxes