60 Business View Australia - June 2015
“Around 60% of our builds are res-
idential and 40% are commercial.
We build multi-storey, mixed use
buildings. The majority of our work
is design and construct, and nego-
tiate. Some of our work is tendered
although we do very few of those.”
The feedback has been excep-
tional. Word of mouth and the
company website are the main
methods of marketing for the com-
pany. Good feedback from pre-
vious projects spread quickly.
“We are happy that a lot of the
projects which we get are from
repeat clients. With our clients it
has been nothing short of excep-
tional. We are fortunate to have
worked on a few projects with
FMG - we just completed 16 hous-
es for them on a design and con-
struct contract. The timeframe
was very quick but we got into it
and finished both the projects
two weeks ahead of schedule.”
The company employs twelve full
time staf f. Almost all the work
for the building projects are sub-
contracted out to a range of dif-
ferent trades people; everything
from electricians to plumbers
and painters. When looking for
potential staf f members or sub-
contractors, Car ter again empha-
sises the impor tance of values;
these have remained the same
since the company was formed.
“The only way we were going to
be successful is if we set a num-
ber of principles and running with
those principles and working with-
in the guidelines of those princi-
ples. What we’ve done diligently
during the period that we have
been in business is that we try to
engage staf f that have the same
set of principles; hard-working
and maintaining a healthy work
life balance. We find it very im-
por tant that we engage with the
correct staf f and that we look
af ter our staf f and pay them ap-
propriately. Of course that’s only
a small par t of it all. We treat
them well. Happy staf f, happy
company; that’s what I say.”