80 Business View Australia - June 2015
ries, vegetables and herbs. Being
able to feel water, smell the soil and
watch plants grow gives residents
a sense of purpose in life; looking
after the plants and giving them
away to staff or visitors is inspiring
and seen as a real act of love. It is
extremely important to encourage
gardening activities like these.”
Some of the other initiatives include
exercise programs to help strength-
en the core which helps reduce
pain and the likelihood of falling. A
range of mobility aides assist inde-
pendence. A golf buggy, which is fun
and useful for transporting people
between activities, such as cultur-
al events and walks in the park,
adds to the Pennwood experience.
Pennwood marketing has been built
on a strong reputation and word of
mouth, although the organisation
is still proactive in promoting to the
wider public. “The industry media