Business View Australia - March-April 2016 21
of the playing surface into a fully
drained couch grass field which has
made Caltex Park into one of the
best playing surfaces in New South
Wales, with local, country and state
matches (rugby league, rugby union
and soccer) being hosted there. The
surface is so well constructed and so
well drained that even after a day of
football co-inciding with rain you will
struggle to find any major wear and
tear on the field.
Moving Forward
Dubbo has always been a very
well planned and forward thinking
community. It has prided itself on
delivering the best for its residents
and visitors.
Moving forwardMcLeod says its Road
Transportation Strategy adopted in
2012 will complement the actions
already taken with respect to water
supply and sewerage, and see $110
million of road projects getting done
over the next 30 years, including a
ring road around the city and several
more bridges across the Macquarie
River to cater for traffic growth.
In 2015 NSW Premier Baird
announced that $50 million would
be made available to the RMS for a
second high level bridge across the
Macquarie River at Dubbo to improve
access during floods. This had been
proposed to Government by Council
since adoption of the 2012 Strategy,
supported by an unsolicited Study
by Council which indicated such a
project could expect to generate
projected benefits over 30 years of
$190 million.
Dubbo has been the recipient since
2012 of significant NSW Government
funding at the Dubbo Base Hospital.
Stage One and Two Upgrade works
worth $91 million have now been
completed, and a further $150 million
announced for Stages three and four
over the next five years.