Business View Australia - November-December 2015 103
infrastructure – including a decade
under the Laing O’Rourke banner, the
business has delivered some of the
country’s largest, most technically-
complex projects within the oil and
gas, transport, building construction,
defence, airports, mining, marine, civil
and social infrastructure sectors.
The organisation is committed to
ensuring that sustainability becomes
fundamental to the way it goes to
work for its clients, and to embed
a sustainability culture across the
business and through the supply chain.
By identifying sustainability as a
core value and establishing a global
sustainability function, Laing O’Rourke
has changed its thinking about
project delivery at every level. From
procurement processes and waste
material management, to community
engagement and innovation.
Laing O’Rourke is committed to the
continual pursuit of innovation to secure
Australia’s sustainable infrastructure
future and has established a
sustainability roadmap that provides
direction across the entire company
and sets targets up to 2020.
Sustainability roadmap
In its efforts to promote clean
technology, Laing O’Rourke has
established a Sustainability Steering
Committeewhich brings together senior
leadersandsubjectmatter experts from
a range of disciplines. In 2014 a 7.5%
reduction against 2010/11 baseline, in
carbon emissions was achieved, which
was 2.5% more than the target of a
reduction of 5% that was set.